Happy New Year!
Here we are, in a completely new year. And if you believe
some theories, the whole world is going to end in December, per the Mayan
calendar. Personally, I don’t believe that (as my pastor says, the Bible doesn’t
give a date!).
To ring in the new year, why not slough off some of your
old, dead skin? These simple recipes, printed in The Arizona Republic, use ingredients you can easily find around
the house. Have a spa day at home and be ready to face the new work week in
this new year with a fresh and glowing complexion.
Tea Bags
If you’re like me, this is the time of year when you drink a
lot of hot tea. But rather than throw away those used tea bags, why not use
them to refresh yourself? Cooled, caffeinated tea bags are great to place over
your eyelids while lying down and help reduce swelling and dark circles (which
you might have if you partied too much the night before).
Use cooled green tea as a facial toner. Simply wipe it on
your face with a cotton ball after cleansing.
Coffee Grounds
Use the leftover grounds from your morning pot of coffee to
gently scrub your face and body; they exfoliate nicely but be careful not to
use too much force and irritate your skin.
Honey and Brown Sugar
Forget those expensive facial scrubs you find in the bed and
bath stores. Combine one part brown sugar with two parts honey and a vanilla
bean pod broken in half (optional). Gently rub the mixture over your facial
skin and rinse away to reveal glowing skin.
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