
Friday, September 23, 2011

September 23, 2011: Copper Pennies Salad Recipe

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As I shared with you, we held the Women’s Bible Club meeting at my house Tuesday morning. Everyone was asked to bring a salad. Margaret brought what she called Copper Pennies. Apparently this is an old recipe that is currently making a comeback (as they say, everything old is new again).

She had lots left over so I kept some of her copper pennies and served it to my husband and our friend with dinner that night. They absolutely loved it! Here is Margaret’s recipe.

Copper Pennies

3 cans sliced carrots, drained
1 cup diced celery
1 cup diced green peppers
1 cup chopped green onions

1 can tomato soup
1/2 cup vinegar
1/2 cup vegetable oil

Combine vegetables. Combine dressing ingredients in a saucepan; salt to taste. Bring to boil and pour over carrot mixture. Let stand several hours for best flavor.

Now, if you want to modernize it a bit (like I’m included to do), I would use fresh carrots and steam them. I’m thinking balsamic vinegar and olive oil would be a good combination in the dressing, too. And some freshly cracked black pepper along with a fresh herb, such as dill or basil, would add to the flavor.

Note: The recipes I found online also included a half cup of sugar. That would be a bit sweet for my tastes, but you could try adding a tablespoon or so. Some also called for Worcestershire sauce.

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